World Peace and Understanding Dinner
World Understanding & Peace Dinner starting with 1991 when we became District 778 then 7780. The Date of the event; District Governor; Theme/Evening Highlight if there was one; the Featured Speaker/Program and Location. To learn more about the recipient of Rotary International Awards, check out the Rotary Awards on the home page of District History listed under Related Pages.
Thursday, February 23, 2020 – District Governor Andrew “Andy” Glazier – Emigration, Migration, Immigration, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Work Visas, Green Cards & Citizenship were the focus of this World Peace & Understanding event. Rotary Peace Fellow Rachel Davidson, Esquire keynote speaker. Rotarian Tony Wagner was awarded the Service Above Self Award. The event was held at the Sheraton at Sable Oaks, South Portland, ME.
February 23, 2019 – District Governor John LoBosco – DG John was hospitalized in January with an infection and he was quite ill. There was no World Peace & Understanding District event this year that I can locate.
Saturday, February 23, 2018 – District Governor David Underhill - This year’s World Peace & Understanding dinner was a “Frugal Feast” focusing on food Insecurity issues. Members of several of our Rotary Clubs will talk about the programs they have underway to feed the hungry across coastal New Hampshire and Southern Maine. A portion of your modest $25 dinner fee will go to the Rotary Peace Centers. We will serve appetizers, salad, soups, fruit and dessert. PDGs Sheila Rollins and Marty Helman coordinated this event. It was held once again at Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodford Street, Portland, ME.
February 23, 2017 – District Governor Marjorie “Marge” Barker - World Peace Day for February 23 – February 25, 2017. However, I could not locate anything else in the Governor’s newsletter as to what was taking place. If I have overlooked it, I sincerely apologize!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016 – District Governor Shelia Rollins - Acknowledgement was given to those Rotarians who had achieved greatness in giving back to others in their community during their very first year or two as Rotarians. Twenty-nine such new members were given a new award titled “Above and Beyond” for their passion and exceptional efforts. Their names and club names are listed in the March 2016 District Newsletter. This event was held at the Marriott Sable Oaks, Portland, ME.
Monday, February 23, 2015 - District Governor Lawrence Furbish – There was no particular theme for this evening. The Key note speaker was Past Rotary International President Richard King. This year it was held at the Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks, south Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 22, 2014 – District Governor Carolyn Johnson - The theme for this evening was once again the “Frugal Feast”. Clubs were asked to “Stuff the Bus” with food for their local food pantry during the morning. Keynote speakers spoke of the problem of hunger and food insecurity right here in our own communities and specifics of what nonprofits are doing to combat the situation. The Harbour Singers who perform for hospice patients, shared their music. This year it was once again held at The Woodfords Congregational Church, Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 23, 2013 – District Governor Marty Peak Helman - The theme for this evening was once again the “Frugal Feast”. Clubs were asked to “Stuff the Bus” with food for their local food pantry during the morning. The Keynote speaker was our own Michael McGovern, Rotary Foundation Trustee who spoke on the new Essence Statement of Rotary, which is to unite leaders to exchange ideas around the world. He, also, spoke of the incredible reach of The Rotary Foundation. Drew Demsch, executive director of Ferry Beach Ecology School, talked about how he outreaches to public school students to introduce them to ecology in a holistic way. We were entertained by the Harbour Singers. The event was held at the Woodfords Congregational Church, Portland, ME
Friday, February 17, 2012 – District Governor Gary Speers - The emphasis was on the strength of the clubs and the work this it takes from all of us for peace to blossom. EACH CLUB had the chance to nominate a “peacemaker” from amid its ranks and they were celebrated at the dinner. The event was held at the Holiday inn by the Bay, Portland, ME.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 – District Governor Ann Lee Hussey – On February 21st, the Portland Museum became the first building in New England to be lit with the iconic “End Polio Now” message. Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith and District Governor Ann Lee “flipped the switch”. RI President Ray spoke of polio eradication and how Rotarians are changing the world through service and actions. The event was held at the Portland Airport Wyndham Hotel, South Portland, ME.
Tuesday, February 23, 2020 - District Governor Jeffrey Pelkey – Unfortunately, your District Historian could not locate any information pertaining to an event for this year. If anything is found later, it will be added.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 – District Governor Brad Jett – The them for this evening was a “Making Dreams Real” video. Ambassadorial Scholar, Ryan McDonnell talked about his efforts in creating awareness for many AIDS orphans in Africa. The event was held at the Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 23, 2008 – District Governor Elizabeth G. Cullen – In honor of Rotary International President Wilf Wilkinson’s visit, the Rotary Club South Portland-Cape Elizabeth organized a food drive which resulted in 3,500 lbs. of food was collected and donated to the Food Cupboard in South Portland, ME. RI President Wilf Wilkinson spoke about Rotary’s role in promoting world understanding as well as the fact that heads of nations from all over the world recognize Rotary International as a force of peace. It was a very rare occasion as we, also, had in attendance Rotary International Vice President Michael McGovern. The event was held at the Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks, South Portland, ME.
Friday, February 23, 2007 – District Governor Marie A. Williams – Celebration of what the 41 clubs in District 7780 were doing around the world! “Leading the Way” – in International Service Video. DGN Brad Jett and his wife Penny, put together a slide presentation put to music of the International Service projects around the world that the clubs in District 7780 were involved in. The DVD of the presentation was offered for a $25 donation to The Rotary Foundation. They were gone within minutes! DGN Brad produced more as a club president offered to buy them for all those clubs present that did not get one. This event was held at Keeley the Katerers, Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 25, 2006 – District Governor Robert Laux – Districts 7780 & 7930 held a joint World Understanding and Peace Dinner. PDG Carolyn E. Jones, first woman Trustee (and in the third class of woman District Governors in the world in 1997-98) was the featured speaker. The event was held at Faro Gardens, Route 1. Editor’s note - there was a horrific snowstorm this evening but it didn’t keep people away!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 – District Governor Robert Jacobson - Unfortunately, your District Historian could not locate any information pertaining to an event for this year. If anything is found later, it will be added.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 – District Governor Trish Hunter – PDG Daniel W. Mooers received the Rotary International Citation for Meritorious Service Award. Past District Governor Carolyn Jones from Alaska spoke on “Children of Russia”. This event was held at Verrillo’s Convention Center, Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 22, 2003 – District Governor Tim Placey – Mark Maloney, aide to President-Elect Jonathan Majiyagbe, was guest speaker.
Saturday, February 23, 2002 – District Governor Peter Johnson – There was no event held this year.
Saturday, February 10, 2001 – District Governor Elias Thomas III – National Immunization Days was the theme tonight. DG Elias Thomas spoke about his recent trip to India and his participation in the National Immunization Day in support of Polio Plus. This event was held at eh Portland Club, Portland, ME.
Saturday, February 19, 2000 – District Governor Michael K. McGovern – We honored all Rotarians who have led international service projects over the past year. The Speaker was Rotary International Director Mario P. Grassi of Massagno, Switzerland. The event was held at the Purpoodock Club, Cape Elizabeth, ME.
Saturday, February 27, 1999 – District Governor William R. Skinner – Discovery Grant team’s visit to Brazil and Honduras and Past District Governor Craig S. Wellman was given the Rotary International Citation for Meritorious Service Award. Tome Keefe, President of the International Medical Collaborative Organization in Seabrook, NH told us about the wonderful work they are doing around our world and ways in which we in Rotary can assist them. Have not found the location of this event but will enter it when found.
Saturday, February 28, 1998 – District Governor Marie A. Williams – World Community Service Projects, Carl Miller Discovery Team to Romania, Portsmouth’s 3-H Helping Grant to Brazil and the Wells Club’s Blankets to Bosnia project were featured. Every club in the District was listed on the back of the program with either a donation or a project that they were involved in somewhere in the world. The event was held at Keeley Banquet Center, Portland, ME.
Saturday, March 1, 1997 – District Governor Craig S. Wellman – New England Multi-District World Understanding & Peace Dinner. PRIP and Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees Rajendra K. Saboo. This event was held at Yoken’s Restaurant, Portsmouth, NH.
Thursday, February 23, 1995 – District Governor George A. Cashman – Unfortunately your District Historian could not locate any information pertaining to an event this year.
Saturday, February 19, 1994 – District Governor Richard E. Clark - District Fellowship Banquet. District Service Award was presented to Jaap deJong from the Rotary Club of Durham-Great Bay for his dedication and enthusiastic support of the PolioPlus Program since its inception in 1985.
Saturday, February 20, 1993 – District Governor Morton T. Schmidt, Jr. – Senator George Mitchell receives a Paul Harris Fellow, Past District Governor James Labrie received the Citation for Meritorious Service and it was announced that PDG Daniel Mooers was elected to be a Rotary International Director. The Downeast humor of Kendall Morse kept the attendees entertained. The event was held at the Portland Marriott, Portland, ME.
Saturday, March 21, 1992 – District Governor Robert H. Patten – “Paul Harris Recognition Banquet”. Special Video greetings were given by RI President Raja Saboo and Past RI President M.A.T. Caparas, Chair of our Rotary Foundation.
Saturday, February 23, 1991 – District Governor Daniel W. Mooers – “One Moment for Peace”, 10 Exchange Students placed flags of their country on a large map.
Update 2/18/2021 by Marie A. Williams, District Historian