Rotary Monthly Focus
Rotary Special Observance Months
Rotary has had some specific months designated for special focus for many years. The areas of focus have changed a number of times over the years. These monthly areas of focus were listed our District Directories from the start of District 778/7780 since we came into being in 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 up through 2006-2007. Rotary clubs have been encouraged to have speakers at their clubs that pertain to the focus of that particular Rotary month along with doing things in their communities in these same areas during these months.
I am still researching to find when the Rotary monthly focus started and what they were. As you see with what little is listed below that it has gone from seven months of focus to currently eleven months. The one constant focus that has not changed is November - Our Rotary Foundation. Some have disappeared completely like Vocational Service and Magazine (The Rotarian).
The Rotary International Board of Directors periodically change the focus of Rotary. The October 27-30, 2014 RI Board of Directors meeting in Evanston, Illinois modified the Rotary's calendar of special observances to designate specific months highlighting the Areas of Focus.
2015-2016 NEW special observance months are listed below along with the ones that did not change.
August: Membership and New Club Development
September: Basic Education and Literacy
October: Economic and Community Development
November: Rotary Foundation
December: Disease Prevention and Treatment
January: Vocational Service
February: Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
March: Water and Sanitation
April: Maternal and Child Health
May: Youth Services
June: Rotary Fellowships
In 2010-2011 forward the monthly areas of focus for Rotary were no longer listed in the District Directories.
In 2009-2010 there was no District Directory
In 2007-2008, 2008-2009 the Rotary Monthly focus was not in the District Directory
In 2006-2007, there were several changes July no longer had a focus, December had a focus and March became Literacy Month instead of July.
August: Membership Development and Extension
September: New Generations
October: Vocational Service
November: Foundation
December: Family
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
March: Literacy
April: Magazine
June: Rotary Recreational and Vocational Fellowships
In 2003-2004, with a focus added to June and remained the same in 2004-2005, 2005-2006.
July: Literacy
August: Membership Development and Extension
September: New Generations
October: Vocational Service
November: Foundation or Rotary Foundation
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine
June: Rotary Recreational and Vocational Fellowships
In the 2002-2003, District Directory, they were back and there were no changes.
July: Literacy
August: Membership Development and Extension
September: New Generations
October: Vocational Service
November: Foundation or Rotary Foundation
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine
In 2001-2002, they were not in the District Directory.
In 1998-1999, some changes were made and remained through 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. A New focus was added for July; September was renamed from Youth Activities to New Generations.
July: Literacy
August: Membership Development and Extension
September: New Generations
October: Vocational Service
November: Foundation or Rotary Foundation
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine
During the years listed below the focus did not change except August was now called Membership Development and Extension as of 1991-1992. They wanted us to focus on Membership Development not just on maintaining our membership. The only thing that changed was the way the District Governors may have listed November but it always had the word Foundation in the focus for the month.
1991-1992, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998
August: Membership Development and Extension
September: Youth Activities
October: Vocational Service
November: Our Rotary Foundation or The Rotary Foundation or Rotary Foundation or Foundation
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine
When we broke off from District 779 and became District 778, the monthly areas of focus for Rotary were up to seven and covered the following months:
August: Membership and Extension
September: Youth Activities
October: Vocational Service
November: Our Rotary Foundation
January: Rotary Awareness
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine
In the December 1983 issue of The Rotarian magazine in an article called Inside Rotary on page 43, the following monthly focuses were listed for the following months:
September: Youth Activities
October: Vocational Service
November: Our Rotary Foundation
February: World Understanding
April: Magazine