District Conference Locations
Sable Oaks at the Portland Marriott Hotel, South Portland, ME
Welcome to RotaryFest

May 19-21, 2017
District Governor Marjorie Barker
2016-2017 Rotary Year
This was our second time to this venue for District 7780. The Conference was


The Westin Portland Harborview, Portland, ME
May 16-18, 2014
District Governor Carolyn Johnson
The Conference was co-chaired by Past Rotary International Director Daniel W. Mooers and
Past District Governor Brad Jett. The theme for this Conference was
“Shared Stories – Changed Lives”.
This was the second time to this location. The first time was in May 2002 when
it was known as The Eastland Park Hotel and the District Governor was Peter Johnson!
The Spruce Point Inn, Boothbay Harbor, ME
May 17-18, 2013
District Governor Marty Peak Helman
2012-2013 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Past President Vic Taylor and hosted by
the Rotary Club of Boothbay Harbor, ME.
We return to the Spruce Point Inn where the theme for this Conference is “Multiple the Magic!”
The Harraseeket Inn, Freeport, ME
May 18-20, 2012
District Governor Gary Speers
2011-2012 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Past President Wilt Jones and hosted by the
Rotary Club of Damariscotta-Newcastle, ME.
The “Moose will be on the Loose” was the theme for this Conference.
Everyone was asked to “Join for a fun celebration of YOUR Rotary Year!”
A new venue for District 7780’s Conference.
The Portland Marriott Sable Oaks Hotel
South Portland, ME
May 13-14, 2011
District Governor Ann Lee Hussey
2010-2011 Rotary Year
The Conference co-chairs were Past Presidents John Griffith from the Rotary Club of Oxford Hills
& Rich Emerson from the Rotary Club of Casco Bay Sunrise.
It was hosted by the Rotary Club of Casco Bay Sunrise.
We returned to the Portland Marriott where the theme was “Bigger, Better, Bolder”.
Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, NH
May 14-16, 2010
District Governor Jeffrey Pelkey
2009-2010 Rotary Year
The Conference was co-chaired by DGN Gary Speers and President-elect Judy Speers.
It was hosted by the Rotary Club of Kittery.
Many clubs “Unsung Heroes” were recognized at this Conference.
We returned to the Sheraton in Portsmouth, NH.
The Samoset Resort on the ocean, Rockport, ME
June 5-7, 2009
District Governor Bradford Jett
2008-2009 Rotary Year
This was also another new venue for District 7780. The Conference was chaired by
Past District Governor George Rice
and was hosted by the Rotary Club of Hampton, NH.
Rotarians were asked to
“come for a weekend of amazing fun, fellowship, Rotary education and even more fun!!!”
The Grand Hotel, North Conway, NH
May 2-4, 2008
District Governor Elizabeth Cullen
2007-2008 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Past President Gerald Hirsch and hosted by
the Rotary Club of Newburyport, MA. The theme of this Conference was
“Celebrate with the Rotary Stars!!” This was a new venue for District 7780.
The Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport, ME
June 3-5, 2007
District Governor Marie Williams
2006-2007 Rotary Year
We returned to The Colony once again. The Conference was chaired by Casco Bay Sunrise
Past President Rich Emerson and hosted by the Rotary Club of Kittery, ME.
Everyone was encouraged to join us all at
The Balsams Resort, Dixville Notch, NH
September 22-25, 2005
District Governor Robert Laux
2005-2006 Rotary Year
We went back to The Balsams for another fall conference. The Conference chair was
Club President Ann Lee Hussey and Program Chair was AG & DGN Liz Cullen.
The theme of this Conference was “Onward To A New Century Of Service”.
MBNA Conference Facilities, Northport, ME
October 14-17, 2004
District Governor Robert Jacobson
2004-2005 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Past District Governor Elias Thomas III. It was our second fall
Conference in a row. It was promoted as District 7780 Centennial Conference.
This facility is now known as Point Lookout Resort and Conference Center.
Montreal Marriott Hotel Chateau Champlain, Montreal, Canada
October 31- November 2, 2003
District Governor Trisha Hunter
2003-2004 Rotary Year
This was our first joint District Conference since we split with District 779 in 1990. District 7780 and
District 7930 (Greater Boston Area) journeyed to beautiful Montreal for a joint conference.
We were back to a fall Conference.
The Grand Summit Hotel and Conference Center at Sunday River, Newry, ME
May 22-25, 2003
District Governor Tim Placey
2002-2003 Rotary Year
We were once again back in Newry, ME and the Grand Summit Hotel. The Conference was chaired by
Past District Governor Marie Williams. The theme for the conference was –
“It’s a Small World, Friends are Forever!”
The Eastland Park Hotel, Portland, ME
May 17-18, 2002
District Governor Peter Johnson
2001-2002 Rotary Year
This was another new venue for the District Conference. It was more of a commuter’s conference
but some people did stay over.
District Governor Peter Johnson promoted the individual clubs this Rotary year.
The Spruce Point Inn, Boothbay Harbor, ME
May 17-20, 2001
District Governor Elias Thomas III
2000-2001 Rotary Year
This Conference was promoted as “The First District Conference of the New Millennium.”
This was a new venue for the District Conference.
The Portland Marriott Hotel, South Portland, ME
“Celebrating the Last Decade of One Millennium and the Beginning of the Next!”
May 18-21, 2000
District Governor Michael McGovern
1999-2000 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by PRID Daniel Mooers and hosted by the
Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape Elizabeth, ME.
The theme At Conference 2000 was “I see the Light!” and you will too!"
It was also the 10th Anniversary Conference of District 7780!
The Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport, ME
June 3-5, 1999
District Governor William Skinner
1998-1999 Rotary Year
The Conference was co-chaired by Past Presidents Linda Pandolfi and Rick Erickson and
hosted by the Rotary Club of Durham-Great Bay, NH.
We were once again overlooking the ocean at The Colony Hotel.
The Grand Summit Hotel and Conference Center at Sunday River, Newry, ME
May 28-31, 1998
District Governor Marie A. Williams
1997-1998 Rotary Year
We were once again back at the Grand Summit Hotel. The Conference was chaired by
President-elect Thane Pearson and hosted by the Rotary Club of Kittery, ME.
Everyone was encouraged to come the 1998 Summit Conference and
“Enjoy the Celebration of a year of accomplishments”.
The Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport, ME
June 26-29, 1997
District Governor Craig S. Wellman
1996-1997 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Dick Thompson and hosted by the Rotary Club of Kennebunk, ME.
The Colony Hotel overlooks the ocean in Kennebunkport, ME.
The Grand Summit Hotel and Conference Center at Sunday River, Newry, ME
Conference 96
May 30 – June 2, 1996
District Governor George W. Rice
1995-1996 Rotary Year
The Conference was chaired by Past President Frank Shorey and hosted by
the Rotary Club of Oxford Hills, ME.
The theme was “Enthusiasm is Contagious, Catch It!”
The Balsams Resort, Dixville Notch, NH
May 25-28, 1995
District Governor George A. Cashman
1994-1995 Rotary Year
The District Conference was chaired by Past President Brian Clancy and hosted by
the Rotary Club of Newburyport, MA.
When we were part of District 779, the District Conference was held here every other year.
Sheraton Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, NH
June 23-26, 1994
District Governor Richard Clark
1993-1994 Rotary Year
This conference was hosted by the Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Dover, NH.
Rotarians were encouraged to “come and share Rotary information, ideas and friendship.”
A commuter plan was offered for those who lived close or
couldn’t give the time to attend the whole event.
The Cliff House, Ogunquit, ME
June 17-20, 1993
District Governor Morton Schmidt
1992-1993 Rotary Year
It was co-chaired by Don Littlefield and Don Revees and hosted by the Rotary Club of Portsmouth, NH.
District Governor Mort stressed that the District Conference at the District level
has the same purpose to stimulate, inspire and inform Rotarians,
as the R.I. Convention does on the international level.
Verrillo’s Conference and Meeting Center, Portland, ME
October 25-27, 1991
District 7780 Governor Robert Patten
1991-1992 Rotary Year
This was the first District 7780 Conference and the first fall District Conference for
our newly formed District. It was chaired by Past President Najeeb S. Loftey and hosted by
the Rotary Club of Portland, ME. It was promoted to be for all Rotarians and not just for club leaders.
In addition, family activities were planned. It was our first fall Conference.
The Hilton Hotel, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Theme – “Quebec in June”
June 13-16, 1991
District 778 Governor Daniel Mooers
1990-1991 Rotary Year
A joint district conference with District 779 and District 778 was held as part of the agreement
of the splitting the original District 779 into District 779 and District 778.
It was District 778’s only conference where both French and English presentations were given!
The Balsams Resort
Dixville Notch, NH
District Conference ‘9
June 14-17, 1990
District 779 Governor James Labrie
1989-1990 Rotary Year
Final District Conference before District 779 was split into Districts 779 & 778.
Co-chair Bud Watt along with the Rotary Club of Portsmouth, NH hosted the event.
Rotarians were encouraged to attend the final Conference of District 779 to “ENJOY ROTARY”!