District Governor Lawrence Furbish
Lawrence Furbish was born and grew up in Sanford, Maine. He received a BA degree from Colby College in Waterville, Maine and attended graduate school at the University of Maine and Ohio State University, receiving degrees in Political Science. He worked for the Connecticut State Legislature in the Office of Legislative Research, for over 30 years. This was a non-partisan position involving researching policy issues, writing reports, summarizing legislation, and staffing committees. He was the long-time assistant director of the office and finished the last few years of his tenure as director. He is now retired and living in Sanford in the house his grandfather built, and in which he grew up.
Lawrence has been a Rotarian for eight years. He has been his Club’s Community Service Chair and its President in 2011-12. In 2008, he went on a Rotary mission trip to India and participated in a National Immunization Day. He served on the District International Service Committee in 2010-11 and the District Conference Committee in 2009-10 and 2011-12. In 2012 he lead a Group Study Exchange team to District 1890 in Northern Germany. In 2012 he served a term on the District Foundation Committee as the Peace Scholars chair. He is a Paul Harris Society member and he and his wife Barbara are Major Donors to TRF. He is active in a number of other community service organizations including three years as president of the local library board, four years as an elected town meeting member, Historical Society board member, and five years as a tenor in the Choral Art Society in Portland, Maine.
Lawrence is enjoying retirement with his wife, Barbara Sutcliffe, who is also a Rotarian. They enjoy golf, gardening, bicycling, yoga, beekeeping, and travel. Lawrence has two children, two stepdaughters and two grandchildren.