District Governor Carolyn Johnson
Carolyn Johnson is a member of the Rotary Club of Yarmouth, Maine, and has been a Rotarian since 2001. Her introduction to Rotary was as a spouse, but she soon decided it was much more rewarding - and fun! - to be a member of a club.
Professionally, Carolyn is an educator with more than 30 years experience. She taught and was a principal at the elementary school level. She was selected as a Distinguished Educator by the Maine Department of Education to assist schools in developing student support teams and anti-bullying programs. In 2006, she began volunteering with the Guatemala Literacy Project. This volunteerism evolved into developing a program to improve the quality of literacy instruction for indigenous children in Guatemala. She created and directs the Culture of Reading Program, which provides books, school supplies, and literacy training and support to rural schools in Guatemala. This initiative has grown from a single school in 2007 to now serving more than 4200 children in 38 primary schools.
Carolyn was selected to be Group Study Exchange Team Leader to Poland in 2009. She has chaired our District’s Literacy Resource, New Generations, Youth Protection and Foundation Transition Committee. Carolyn is on staff of the Rotary Leadership Institute, is a facilitator for Club Visioning, and served on the District Training Team. As a result of her work with literacy initiatives, Carolyn has addressed audiences at Zone Institutes and Rotary International Conventions on promising literacy practices in developing nations. She was a keynote speaker at the 2012 Northeast PETS (President Elect Training Seminar). In 2009, Carolyn was honored to be awarded Rotary’s Service Above Self Award.
Carolyn has been involved with a number of community organizations, including Yarmouth Senior Housing, which provides safe, affordable housing options for elder citizens. She is on the board of Learning Works, which offers education opportunities for at-risk youth, immigrants, and low-income families.
Growing up in Warren, PA, Carolyn attended Grove City College, where she met her husband, Past District Governor Peter Johnson (2001-02). After living in Washington DC, Detroit, Guam, and Wyoming, they moved to Maine in 1986 and make their home in Yarmouth. When not doing Rotary, they enjoy gardening, travel, and a little golf. Carolyn has become interested in practicing yoga, and enjoys walking and biking.
Peter and Carolyn are both Major Donors to the Rotary Foundation and are members of the Paul Harris Society and the Bequest Society.
Carolyn and Peter are proud of their son, Andrew, his wife, Sonja, and grandchildren, Hannah and Evan.