District Governor Michael K. McGovern
Mike McGovern was admitted to the Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape Elizabeth in October 1986. He joined the club’s board of directors in July 1987 and became club president in 1991.
At the District level, Mike served on the 1991 conference planning committee, on the Rotary Foundation committee from 1994-1998, as chair of the matching gifts subcommittee and coordinated the annual foundation seminar for three years. He served as a governor’s representative for two years and has presented at many District assemblies and conferences. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and a Benefactor of the Rotary Foundation. In 1998-1999, he served as Asst. Chair of the District Membership Development and Retention Committee and as Secretary and Vice Chair of the Northeast United States PETS Committee. He is the chairman of the Northeast PETS for 2000.
Mike holds the Rotary classification “Town Government” and has served as the town manager of Cape Elizabeth, Maine since 1985. Mike is a former president of the Maine Municipal Association and of the Maine Town & City Management Association. He was honored as the Maine Town Manger of the year in 1993. He has represented the Northeast on two committees of the International City/County Management Association. He has served on many boards in the Greater Portland region including the American Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, the Council of Governments the United Way, the Cumberland County Human Services Board, and the regional transportation planning agency. Governors of the State of Maine and legislative leadership have appointed him to seven separate state task forces.
Mike is single and enjoys travel, cross country skiing and collecting antiquarian maps and prints.