Marie & Bruce Williams
Marie & Bruce Williams
Marie A. Williams, District Governor 1997-1998
Marie was born in Brunswick, Maine and grew up in Pejepscot, Maine. She is a graduate of Brunswick High School. She has been in banking for 25 years. Marie started her banking career her senior year in high school. She has worked for several banks during her career. In January 1987, she joined Kennebunk Savings Bank where she is currently their Branch Operations Officer and Support Officer.
While her children were growing up, she was involved in the local PTA, Brownies, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and as a room mother for all three of her children. She is a former member of the Kittery Business Council.
Marie has been involved in A.I.B. (American Institute of Banking) in Maine and New Hampshire as a representative, instructor and student. She has earned four banking diplomas through A.I.B. She is a former member of the Maine Association of Savings Bank Women. Marie is a Notary Republic.
Marie became a Rotarian in 1987 as a charter member of the Rotary Club of Kittery and served as president in 1990-91. She was the club’s International Service Director and Rotary Foundation Chair for three years. She has served on numerous committees in her club and at the District level as well as being the Area 3 Representative for three years. Marie feels very strongly about Rotary. She believes as a Rotarian she can make more of an impact and really make a difference in her community and in our world than she ever could as an individual. She is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow and Benefactor. District 7780 awarded her The Rotary Foundation District Service Award in 1992-93 and 1995-96.
In 1963, she married her high school sweetheart, Bruce Williams. Bruce completed the apprentice program at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard as an outside machinist. He retired as the Assistant Fire Chief of the PNSY Fire Department in 1993 where he had been working for the last 23 years. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and Benefactor.
They are the proud parents of three grown children, two married daughters, Sally and Mary and a son, David. They have one grandchild – a grandson, Christopher.
Marie enjoys her family, traveling (including in their 5th wheel trailer), people, crafts, reading and country music. Bruce enjoys his family traveling, country music, rebuilding his 1958 Jeep Willy’s station wagon, and hunting and fishing as often as he can.