By: Juliana L'Heureux - (
By its nature, social media is a short attention span media—you have to catch attention quickly while readers are scrolling through dozens of posts at a time. 
  • Social media is a highly competitive venture with a short attention span – in other words, get to the point!
  • Always attach images with your posts- many links from websites will automatically attach an image.
  • Be consistent. Post content related to Rotary as often as possible
  •   Use eye-catching images
  •   Be relevant. Know your audience
  •   Be entertaining
  •   If you ask readers to “share” they are more likely to do so.
  •   Never post pictures of children without having explicit permission to do so.
  •  Whenever possible, be sure to inform people who are in pictures about the intention to share the photographs on social media.
This information is a summary of best practices published in “Social Media Strategy:  A best practice guide about approaches, techniques, measurement considerations, challenges and opportunities for creating your social media strategies”, published by 
For the Social Media Guide Click Here:    Social Media Guide - Best Practices