Rotary District 7780 has earmarked ten thousand dollars to support vaccine distribution efforts in Maine and New Hampshire, Governor Peggy Belanger announced in mid-December.
Maine funds will be supporting the vaccine distribution chain in partnership with Maine EMS. New Hampshire funds will be allocated to vaccination efforts to be identified by our seven clubs in the Seacoast region.
Dr. Nirav Shah, Maine CDC Director, named Paul Harris Fellow.

As Rotarians honored the work of Dr. Shah in December, Rotary Clubs across Maine are mobilizing to support the vaccine distribution efforts now underway.
Dr. Shah stated that "we plan to invite Rotary/Rotarians to assist with the education and awareness efforts specific to the importance of people getting vaccinated, as well as looking for volunteer assistance at public immunization clinics." He said, "Rotary is trusted and respected by its communities and the world." All who were present to meet and hear Dr. Shah felt so proud to be a Rotarian.
Maine EMS and other partner agencies have asked Maine's three Rotary Districts to support their work, perfecting the supply chain that will ensure safe transit and administration of the new Covid-19 Pfizer and Moderna vaccines from Fort Kent and Presque Isle to Calais, Portland, Rumford and Kittery.
District 7780 is supporting the Maine Clubs, and has appropriated over seven thousand dollars toward this effort, with a proportional allocation also going to New Hampshire. The total grant is $10,000.
Maine EMS will use the money to purchase iPads (for use in registration, tracking and record-keeping) and refrigerators (the regular kind, not the super-freezers), so that vaccines can be refrigerated for a number of days at the administration sites.
District Governor Peggy Belanger, a recently retired public-health nurse, is working closely with the team along with Past Rotary International Director and Past District Governor Dan Mooers. Individual Rotary Clubs will be asked for volunteers and additional fundraising to support the vaccine distribution.
The seven Rotary Clubs in Seacoast New Hampshire will be collaborating on vaccine support efforts in that state, which involve significantly different plans-in-place and infrastructure needs. All Rotarians can help get vaccines safely and effectively to citizens here in our region, and Rotary International is supporting vaccine efforts around the world as an extension of Rotary's PolioPlus program.