District Governor's Message
By:  DG Bob MacKenzie, Kennebunk RC
After submitting my article for the District Newsletter last month, I realized it was the third article I had submitted as District Governor.  So what does that mean you ask?  Well, that means our Rotary year is ¼ in the rear-view mirror already.  Flashback to my year as club President, as it went by so quickly and before you know it, I was speaking at my last meeting as President and I truly felt saddened because the year went by so quickly and I was just getting comfortable.  Once again, let us all take a breath and enjoy our moment in time, as time is precious. Appreciate each and every day with family, friends and, of course, Rotary.  Our Rotary year will be over and what we have accomplished throughout our year may be only a memory to us, but most likely has a lasting impact on others.
October is Economic & Community Development month, which is one of our Areas of Focus. 
3rd Annual Recovery Conference
Critical Partners: Mental Health and the Road to Recovery
Another Successful Rotary District 7780 Outreach to the Recovery Community
By Doreen Blanc Rockstrom, Recovery Initiative Planning Committee Member, Portland RC
Dr. Linda Durst, Chief of Psychiatry, Maine Health
The Recovery Initiative Planning Committee is grateful to the 19 Rotary Clubs in District 7780 who sponsored the third annual conference on Recovery that took place on Saturday, September 28th at Noble High School in North Berwick, York County, Maine. In keeping with the Rotary International mission of expanding mental health services globally, our compassionate crowd of attendees from Maine and New Hampshire, Rotarians and non-Rotarians, were made aware of the dangers of addictive medicine and suicide by keynote speakers, while panelists addressed accomplishments in providing more services in counseling, coaching, and employment to those in early Recovery from substance use.
RYLA 2025 Preparation Begins
By Phil Giordano, District Youth Services Chair, Kennebunkport RC
On Sunday August 25th, approximately thirty members of the RYLA staff gathered under the leadership of Co-Directors Tim Moyer (Kennebunkport RC) and Jacey Chavez (Portland RC).  The goal of the summer gathering, and facilitator training is to bring the team together to build community, as well as, to take some time for self-development.
The day began with a RYLA Leadership team meeting with a focus on setting the stage in terms of communication and expectations for the coming year. 
ShareForever Campaign Update - October 2024
By:  Sarah MacGillivray, ShareForever Committee, Bath Sunrise RC.
Almost a year ago we shared the news of the generous District 7780 donors, Brenda and Dick Cressey,
making a legacy gift up to one million dollars to support the ShareForever 7780 Million Dollar Challenge.  We are thrilled with what we’ve accomplished, and just wanted to share with you that, including their legacy gifts, we reached 3.4 Million Dollars by the end of the Rotary Year!
With so much success, we felt there was no way we could stop! We now have a new goal and a new challenge gift.
October 2024
Club News
Click HERE for news about projects and fundraisers from around our district.
Biddeford - Saco
Bridgton - Lake Region
Brunswick Coastal
Damariscotta - Newcastle
Oxford Hills
River Valley
If we missed your club, 
please know that your work is appreciated. Please send your stories next month to:
UNE Rotaract Club Update
By:  Carol Marcotte, PhD, Co-Chair, District 7780 Rotaract Clubs, Saco Bay Sunset RC
The University of New England Rotaract Club started the academic year by recruiting new students at the UNE Involvement Fair.  Officers have been elected and events throughout the year planned.  They will be featured guests on the DISC International Cafe on October 12th and are planning a Meet & Greet with local Rotary Clubs.
In Memorium R. Michael Daley
R. Michael Daley
April 21, 1938 to September 11, 2024
Mike joined Rotary in 2005.  He was a proud member of Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club and served as its president in 2007-2008. He worked tirelessly to support Rotary’s motto “service above self” and was a recipient of a Paul Harris Fellow Award. Mike was also very proud of his wife, Faye, who he frequently mentioned was a founding member of the Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club. His obituary can be found here:
District Calendar
DG Track Meetings 24/25
Oct. 07, 2024
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Bath RC
Oct. 08, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Portsmouth RC
Oct. 10, 2024
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
DISC International Cafe
Oct. 12, 2024
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Damariscotta-Newcastle RC
Oct. 15, 2024
7:15 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
View entire list
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