I had the opportunity to attend the Learning to Lead Symposium in Toronto recently.
To fully understand the magnitude of what I am about to say, I will share some figures with you.
District 7780 is in Zone 32. Zone 32 is comprised of 22 Districts, 1,164 Rotary clubs, 32,783 Rotarians, 76 Rotaract clubs and 604 Rotaractors.
Every year districts with the highest total Annual Fund donations, highest total Rotary Foundation donations and per capita Annual Fund donations, are recognized at this event.
District 7780 came in first in all three categories. This was a first for 7780!
In addition, 18 of our 39 clubs were recognized for their participation in the End Polio Now campaign.
Over the next month while making my governor visits, I will be presenting awards to the top 3 per capita clubs, the 5 clubs with 100% Foundation Giving, and the 5 clubs with Every Rotarian Every Year participation.
In the meantime, thank you for your support of the Rotary Foundation and Creating Hope in the World with your generous donations.
By: Sarah MacGillivray, Secretary, and Public Image Coordinator, District Foundation Committee, RC of Bath Sunrise
As we welcome in colder temperatures and get ready for the fast-approaching holidays, we also find ourselves in FOUNDATION MONTH! A big thank you goes out to all of our District Rotarians who have donated to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Details on some exciting news will be shared this evening, November 1, 2023, via a District wide zoom event, and a video will be available on the district website if you are unable to attend. Here is the Zoom Link for this event. We are excited to share that a generous D7780 anonymous donor has made a legacy matching gift to support the ShareForever 7780 Endowment Challenge up to one million dollars! This generous match can double the impact of YOUR legacy gift and multiply the impact you will have on Rotary’s work - forever. Click on the Full Story for more details!
By: Claudia Frost iPDG, Member of District 7780 DEI Committee, Brunswick RC
I was born in Lewiston at the very hospital that treated the injured victims of the tragic shooting last week. Lewiston and Auburn are divided by the Androscoggen River and are known as ‘twin cities’ although the two towns were also rivals. I grew up in Auburn and my parents and especially my grandparents were openly racist. I learned about DEI backwards.
When I read in the comment section of the DEI questionnaire: The older members are always a challenge, I recalled my own journey.
DISC will hold its 2nd International Café of the 2023-24 Rotary year on Saturday, November 4 at 9:30 a.m., via zoom. It promises to be an informative and most interesting meeting as we are covering Rotary Project Fairs from around the world. Presentations will be from Colombia, Italy, Peru, Zimbabwe, and possibly Mexico. Truly an international experience. Please join us: it will be the truth, fair to all, build better friendships and beneficial to all!! If you need further information or the Zoom link, please contact Emma Bodwell (ebodwell@icloud.com). We hope to see you there.
District Outreach to Kenya 2018
Claudia Frost, Brunswick; John Chrisholm, host and guide; Joan Correll, Hampton; Tom and Catherine Wilbur, Freeport; Carol Madsen; Bridgton-Lake Region; and Steve Wight, Bethel
At the same time, if you are interested in the international aspects of Rotary, DISC could be the perfect place for you. We continue to seek new members. The following Rotarians are our present members:
You couldn't miss all 55 of us, from five Clubs, in bright red End Polio Now shirts, crossing the Casco Bay Bridge. Varying distances were completed, but ultimately everyone finished at Foulmouthed Brewing to celebrate. Many who couldn’t join the walk arrived to show their support and make a "Pints for Polio" donation at the brewery.
The Portland, South Portland-Cape Elizabeth, Westbrook-Gorham, Falmouth, and Brunswick Clubs joined to make this day a big success!
November 2023
Rotary Foundation Month
Club News
Click HEREfor news about projects and fundraisers from around our district.
Bridgton-Lake Region
Oxford Hills
River Valley
Saco Bay Sunset
Sebago Lake-Windham Area
South Portland-Cape Elizabeth
If we missed your club,
please know that your work is appreciated. Please send your stories next month to:
By Kiley Wilkens-O’Brien, D7780 RAG for Mental Health Initiatives, South Portland/Cape Elizabeth RC
Maine is known for being wholesome, quaint, and community focused. We are proud, hearty people who look out for each other. This recent act of domestic terrorism goes against the very spirit of Maine. As a small state, every life lost and person harmed is noticed. Rotarians and Mainers, now more than ever we must support each other as we collectively grieve.
By: Tracy Hardekopf, Rochester RC and Gregg Dowty, Dover RC
Rotary Clubs from Dover, Rochester, South Berwick-Eliot, and Durham-Great Bay have come together to bring Rotary Bingo to The Lilac Mall in Rochester, NH. For over 30 years Dover Rotary has hosted a Bingo game in the Seacoast New Hampshire area. Recently, the need for more volunteers led Dover to reach out to area clubs to ask for their assistance in fundraising efforts. First Durham-Great Bay and then South Berwick-Eliot joined in and shared in the profits from the games. This past July, due to changes at the hosting venue, Dover Rotary, holder of the gaming license, voted to enter into a new agreement with G2 Gaming in Rochester and move the game to the Rochester site. It was logical to reach out to the Rochester Club and ask them to join in the new initiative.
The Rotary Indigenous Partnership Committee (RIPC) asks, “Is it Fair to All Concerned?” and recommends “Killers of the Flower Moon", a new release at theaters near you and “Dawnland” November 2nd at 9:00 pm on Maine Public Television. Also, please mark your calendars for the special “Interacting with Wabanaki History” on January 24th, 5:00-7:00 pm, a virtual presentation sponsored by RIPC in partnership with Wabanaki Reach.
Comments or questions, contact Jud Knox at 207-251-3210 or jknox0055@gmail.com.
The Rotary Club of Oxford Hills would like to sell 1 used 30’ X 60’ tent in very good condition. This was purchased 9 years ago and used 3 or 4 times a year. Our Club members have diminished, and the remainder have aged in the past 9 years. We are asking $5500. This includes the tent, poles, ropes, stakes and ratchets. The replacement cost from Anchor Industries at present is $10,500.
For more information contact Stan Brett at 207-890-6919.